Assistenza Navigatori


Navigatori Eonon GA9465B


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Assistenza Navigatori Eonon



Navigatore Eonon GA9465B

Eonon GA9465B

Eonon GA9465B

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Offerta navigatori Amazon



Caratteristiche tecniche e funzioni Eonon GA9465B

Newest Android 10.0 : With powerful Android 10.0 system, you can enjoy a smooth and responsive user experience. From music and game shows to thousands of apps, find all the entertainment you've dreamed of, fast than ever before; CPU: MTK 8227L 1.2GHz ARM A7
Built-in Car Auto Play : It takes the things you want to do with your iPhone while driving and puts them right on car stereo display. You can get directions, make calls, send and receive messages, and listen to music with just a word or a touch. Stay focused on the road. Just connect your iPhone and go. (Compatible with iPhone 5 and later.)
Making Car Audio Sound Outstanding : DSP(Digital Sound Field Processing) features fully digital processing chip, and a powerful 56-bit double-precision mode to adjust the audio signal in every aspects. Also supports MAX output power 4 x 45 W, which makes the music just sound wider and much more realistic.
Input/Output :- Radio Antenna Input *1, GPS Antenna Input *1, Wi-Fi Antenna Input *1, USB Input *2, External Microphone *1, RCA Video Output *2, RCA Audio FR/FL/RR/RL Output, CAM IN Video Input *1, VIDEO IN Video Input *1, AUX Audio R/L Input , Subwoofer Output *1 【If you have any question, please contact us before purchase】
Accessories : Power Cable *1, GPS Antenna *1, Wi-Fi Antenna *1, RCA Audio & Video Adpater Cable *2, USB Adapter Cable *2, External Microphone *1, Radio Antenna*1, Adapter Cable*1, CAN Bus* 1 (NO GPS Map)

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